1M5's technical roadmap is driven by user features and focuses on a developer-centric view.

  1. 0.10 - Fanning

    Desktop Prototype
  2. 1.0 - Assange

    Free Speech
    Android Personal Social Dapp
    • 0.11 - Mobile: Base Android
    • 0.12 - Bitcoin: Wallet
    • 0.13 - I2P: Embedded
    • 0.14 - DID: Minimum
    • 0.15 - Social: P2P Chat
    • 0.16 - Bitcoin: Social Send/Receive
    • 0.17 - Bitcoin: 2-2 Multi-sig Escrow
    • 0.18 - Bitcoin: Decentralized Orderbook
    • 0.19 - Bitcoin: Lightning Payments
    • 0.20 - Tor: Hidden Service
    • 0.21 - Bluetooth: P2P
    • 0.22 - Routing: Relay
  3. 2.0 - Neo

    Censorship Resistance
    Full Service Comms
    • 1.1 - Key Ring: Flash Drive Signatures
    • 1.2 - Bitcoin: Ir-/Revocable Trusts
    • 1.3 - Storage: Decentralized CDN
    • 1.4 - DID: Reputation
    • 1.5 - Bitcoin: Natural Language Auto-Contracts
    • 1.6 - A/V: P2P Conferencing
    • 1.7 - Radio: Bluetooth Mesh Relay
    • 1.8 - Light: LiFi
    • 1.9 - Radio: Full Spectrum/ECCM
  4. 3.0 - Soller (Hardened)

    Rust OS
    • 2.2 - OS: Base OS
    • 2.4 - OS: 1.0 Conversion
    • 2.6 - OS: 2.0 Conversion
    • 3.0 - OS: Full Rust OS


1M5 is an open source project powered by volunteers, bounties and gifts. In the spirit of open source and censorship resistance, we have opted to create 1M5 without the demands or influence of investors nor governments.

Gift to the 1M5 Development Fund

If you support this mission and are in a position to help that would be wonderful. Please request a bitcoin address from or gift through Patreon.

Gifts to 1M5 are not tax-deductible as it is not formally registered in any jurisdiction. By gifting to 1M5, you will be helping 1M5 pay for our direct costs like web hosting, domain names, outsourced work, bounties, and so on. If you wish to support it anonymously, we recommend sending Bitcoin using a wallet that uses Tor such as Bisq or Samourai or with a wallet directly connected to your local Bitcoin Core node. Gifting will be supported directly in the app in the future.
Get in Touch

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you can think of other ways you can help with the 1M5 mission. (Protonmail)

PGP: 948E A2E2 C194 AB3C A225 605B 963F 6331 C29F 2342

Please download the Bitcoin whitepaper if you have not read it yet.